Custom picture framing with the largest and varied selection in the Shoals in styles and price points.
Sherry Allen of Sherry's Custom Framing Gallery continues the tradition of quality custom framing from her beginnings working for the first certified picture framer in the Shoals Area as a framing and design associate to eventually open her own shop in 2005. Her eighteen years experience as a framing designer have created hundreds of custom frame designs for artists, decorators, and residential and commercial customers across the Shoals and beyond. Sherry's critical eye for making sure the integrity of any art piece, photograph, or collection of precious keepsakes is shown to its greatest potential possible is the focus of her design approach. Moving to Avalon Avenue in 2013 created a boutique style atmosphere for her shop, but the offering of quality custom moulding selections and her desire to provide the best design service in custom framing remain the same.