The Mystics of Time (M.O.T) is a renowned Mardi Gras group in Mobile, AL, known for their spectacular parade featuring smoke-breathing dragons that takes place on the Saturday before Mardi Gras. Established in 1948, the MOT was formed by a group of friends who, dissatisfied with their previous parading organization, joined forces with disenchanted members from another group to create a new and exciting Mardi Gras experience.
With a rich history dating back to its formation in 1948, the Mystics of Time has become one of Mobile's most popular parades, captivating locals and visitors alike. Each year, on the Saturday before Mardi Gras, the MOT parade takes to the streets, showcasing their unique smoke-breathing dragons and enchanting the city with their vibrant celebration. As a symbol of camaraderie and innovation, the MOT continues to captivate audiences, ensuring that the spirit of Mardi Gras thrives in Mobile.
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