Jasper Fire Rescue, established in 1900, is a dedicated and highly trained fire department serving the City of Jasper in Alabama. With 31 personnel operating on 3 shifts, they respond to an average of over 160 incident runs per month, utilizing a range of specialized vehicles and equipment. Their commitment to public safety is evident through their comprehensive training programs, fire prevention initiatives, and ever-improving inspection practices, making them one of the most efficient and capable fire departments in the state.
Under the leadership of Fire Chief Dante Fields, Jasper Fire Rescue strives to provide the highest quality service possible to the growing community of Jasper, which spans nearly 30 square miles and has a population of around 14,500. Their dedication to the fire service mission is reinforced by their continuous education, training, and unwavering attention to duty. In recognition of their efforts, the city's ISO rating was upgraded in 2014, resulting in significant insurance cost reductions for homeowners and business owners. With a commitment to addressing the future needs of public safety, Jasper Fire Rescue remains steadfast in their mission to protect and serve the citizens of Jasper.
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