Dauphin Junior High School, located in Enterprise, AL, is dedicated to developing principled students who are prepared for life after graduation. With a vision to provide a well-rounded education, the school offers a variety of academic programs, including art, band, and choral programs, as well as clubs and organizations such as the Beta Club and Student Government Association. Dauphin Junior High School also emphasizes the importance of athletics, with teams in football, volleyball, basketball, and cheerleading.
Committed to fostering a supportive and engaging learning environment, Dauphin Junior High School provides resources for students and teachers, including access to distance learning, a library media center, and mental health resources. The school also encourages parental involvement and offers various parent resources, such as the PowerSchool Parent Portal and monthly newsletters. With a focus on academic excellence and holistic development, Dauphin Junior High School is dedicated to preparing students for success in their future endeavors.
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