About|Wentzville Holt High School serves various students in grades nine through 12 ands offers a variety of academic, extracurricular and athletic activities. Its academic courses includes English, social studies, mathematics, science, fine arts, physical education, health and practical arts. The high school also offers various advanced placement courses and exams in American history, English, biology, physics, chemistry, calculus, French, Spanish and German. It offers more than 10 vocational and technical courses, including automotive repair, building trades, drafting design technology, electronics, health occupations, and heating and air conditioning repairs. The high school provides various athletic activities, such as baseball, basketball, cross country, football, golf, soccer, swimming, tennis, track and field, wrestling, softball and volleyball. It has a library that provides a large online database and various research tips and materials. Located in Wentzville, Mo., the high school is operated by the Wentzville School District.